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  • Independent Travel to Disney World Florida

    Independent Travel to Disney World Florida

    Disney World

    Independent travel used to conjure up ideas of backpacking around unheard of destinations and staying in remote hostels, sharing your room, and the one functioning toilet with twelve complete strangers. Well, not any more. Orlando, Florida is still considered the world’s number one family vacation destination. Families too are enjoying the freedom and choice which independent travel now offers. When we first started visiting Orlando, being huge Disney fans, we decided to stay at one of the Walt Disney World resort hotels. There were only the two of us, and we thought they were great, which they were. But they also proved very expensive. So the next time we traveled we decided to shop around, and stayed in nearby hotels. This certainly saved us money, but there was still something missing. And we knew exactly what it was. There was no space. We had nowhere to relax. Even though there were only two of us, we found the hotel room lacked any real space. Sure there were two beds, and a small writing table, but that was it. And it…

  • What You Can Do if it Rains During Your Disney World Vacation

    Disney World

    You've been looking forward to your Disney World vacation for months. You've packed your bags, bought your plant ticket or hopped in the car, checked into your hotel room, and are just about to go out and explore Disney World Park. Then... it gets cloudy overhead and starts to rain. Uh-oh, your day's ruined... or is it? Here are some activities you can do at Disney World, even if Mother Nature is uncooperative: You can go to other attractions that take place indoors. For example, you can watch the Lion King or the Little Mermaid show, go on the Animation Tour, visit the Tower of Terror, or go see Pirates of the Caribbean or Dinosaur. You can still explore a park. The best ones to go to on a rainy day are Magic Kingdom, MGM, and Epcot Futureworld. A lot of attractions at these parks are close together under cover. You can watch a movie at AMC Theater Complex 24 at Downtown Disney's West Side. You're sure to find something you'll be interested in. You can hop on the monorail…

  • Must Do Rides at Disneyland Paris

    Must Do Rides at Disneyland Paris

    International Disney

    Known as DLP by Mouseketeers everywhere, Disneyland Paris is a wonderful array of rides, exhibits, restaurants and much more. In addition, the park has just added a Walt Disney Studio Park to this location. Located nineteen miles (32km) out of Paris, many of the well known rides from California are included (with a little French flair of course). There is the “It’s a Small World” ride and the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride based on the two movies and the most popular show “The Lion King” which always sells out so you must buy tickets beforehand. Other sites include the Star tours in Discovery land which can be educational and fun at the same time and the Big Thunder Mountain in Frontierland is always surrounded by visitors. New and future activities are being added, such as, the Space Mountain Mission 2 launched in April 2005; the Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast, which is an improvement to the version in Anaheim and plenty of rides, that have also been adapted, improved or added since DLP opened in 1992. You can dine at…

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