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  • The Disney West Coast Cruise

    The Disney West Coast Cruise

    Disney Vacation

    Walt Disney Company has always strives to cover for any family leisure activities. Aside from its popular movie and television outfits and the theme parks, Disney makes sure it could facilitate good and effective bonding activities during vacations for all families around the world. Quality time with family is the gist of every Disney business. Thus, when the company established Disney Cruise, family vacations activities have been redefined. Disney West Coast Cruise is very popular among good timers. Disney West Coast Cruise is also more popularly called as the Disney Magic. This cruise was constructed and inaugurated in 1998. The ship served as Walt Disney’s foray into the cruise shipping business. Since then, demand for vacations in the Disney cruise has always been popular especially during summer vacations. The cruise could cater to as many as 2,400 vacationers at one time. The Cruise generally and basically gets to seven destinations all scattered across the Pacific Ocean. Those destinations are the Cozumel, Key West, St. Thomas, Grand Cayman, St Maarten and the Disney private island of Castaway Cay. On its initial…

  • A Few Tricks for Disney Travel

    A Few Tricks for Disney Travel

    Disney Vacation

    Have you been planning for years to take that trip to Disney World. Are your kids are now at that special age where they still believe in the magic that is Disney? Have you saved up the cash and are ready for the trip of a lifetime? Then you need to learn a few tricks before heading off to Disney World and wasting much of your hard earned money. The first trick for the savvy Disney vacationer is to check on eBay three weeks before the trip looking for park tickets. Never buy single day single park tickets. The park-hopper ticket is the way to go. This ticket will allow you change parks during the days of your vacation. You can leave one park and go to another to avoid the crowds. Get to the parks early in the day. Most families like to sleep in and enjoy a late breakfast. So even with the parks opening early in the day they are relatively empty first thing in the morning. Ride the park rides at the back of the park…

  • Family Fun On a Disney Cruise Vacation

    Family Fun On a Disney Cruise Vacation

    Disney Vacation

    You have children age 12 and under Every child should experience the magic of Disney at some point during their childhood. It is a special trip they will never forget and will cherish forever. The only way they’ll ever experience Castaway Cay is aboard a Disney vessel. A Disney cruise is an excellent way to experience everything Disney has to offer. You have teenagers Disney cruises realized long ago that small children grow older and developed programs for teenagers also. If you go on a cruise without your teens, you’ll worry about what they’re doing while you are away. So bring them along on a Disney cruise – they’ll love it. You are planning a cruise without your children Why leave the kids with grandma when you can take the kids along on a Disney cruise? Disney cruises plan itineraries for your children (all the way to midnight) no matter the age group. So, each of you can enjoy yourselves separately, and come together for meals, ports-of-call, etc. When the children are with you, all the worrying about their well-being…

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