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  • What Will Disney World Weather Be Like on Your Vacation?

    What Will Disney World Weather Be Like on Your Vacation?

    Disney World

    Are you planning a Disney World vacation but need to get an idea of what the weather will be like when you go? Be prepared for what Mother Nature might throw at you. In this article, you'll have handy the average daily low and high temperatures (Fahrenheit), average daily humidity percentage, and the typical number of rainy days for each month of the year. In January, the average low is 50 degrees and the average high is 72. The humidity average falls at 72.5%, and the number of rainy days this month typically gets is 6. For February, the average low and high is 51 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively. The daily humidity averages at 70.5% and February gets approximately 7 days of rain. In the month of March, the average daily low will hit 56 degrees and the high will hit 79. The daily humidity average is relatively low for Disney World/Orland -- 69.5%. The number of rainy March days is 8. As for April, you'll be asleep in 60 degree temperature, and you'll find yourself engaging in activities…

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