Traveling with Young Children to Disneyland – 12 Things You Must Take With You
Unless you live right near Disneyland then when you organize your holiday, you know that it means you are going to have to take into account how to get there. There are two issues that you need to deal with. The first is what transportation method you’ll use and the second is how you will keep your young children amused on the way. There is no denying that traveling with children is a whole new test of your parental ingenuity. Do the scout/girl guides thing and be prepared with backups and lots of distractions. Who knows maybe by following these tried and true tips you’ll arrive triumphant at the other end…OK, maybe not triumphant but perhaps you’ll manage to keep your cool the whole way and that is something! Here are 12 things you need to carry with you and not in the trunk or luggage hold: 1. A change of clothes for each child and socks (it can get cold on airplanes and the socks provided don’t come in any size other than big). 2. Extra clothes for you…