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  • Traveling with Young Children to Disneyland – 12 Things You Must Take With You

    Traveling with Young Children to Disneyland – 12 Things You Must Take With You


    Unless you live right near Disneyland then when you organize your holiday, you know that it means you are going to have to take into account how to get there. There are two issues that you need to deal with. The first is what transportation method you’ll use and the second is how you will keep your young children amused on the way. There is no denying that traveling with children is a whole new test of your parental ingenuity. Do the scout/girl guides thing and be prepared with backups and lots of distractions. Who knows maybe by following these tried and true tips you’ll arrive triumphant at the other end…OK, maybe not triumphant but perhaps you’ll manage to keep your cool the whole way and that is something! Here are 12 things you need to carry with you and not in the trunk or luggage hold: 1. A change of clothes for each child and socks (it can get cold on airplanes and the socks provided don’t come in any size other than big). 2. Extra clothes for you…

  • Don’t Let Long Lines Spoil Your Disneyland Vacation

    Don’t Let Long Lines Spoil Your Disneyland Vacation


    There is no doubt that Disneyland possesses an endless amount of fun and attractions, but as with many theme parks, the frustration of long lines for the rides and attractions can spoil your vacation. Countless hours can be spent queuing for popular attractions, but there are a number of ways that they can be avoided as much as possible. Try to get to the park as early as possible. The lines are shorter in the morning when the park first opens, and understandably it becomes busier towards midday and the afternoon. It's a good idea to plan out which rides and attractions you would most like to see, so that you can get to these rides whilst the lines are relatively short. It makes no sense to jump in line for the first ride that you see because they will more than likely have shorter queues than the most popular rides throughout the day. Another option to avoid the long lines at Disneyland is to ride many of the popular rides later in the evening, whilst the majority of people…

  • A Visit to Disneyland Can Be a Magical Experience

    A Visit to Disneyland Can Be a Magical Experience


    Disneyland opened its gates to the world in 1955, and has been fascinating tourists ever since then. More than half a billion guests have been awed at the fantastic splendor of its sprawling compound, including presidents, royalty, and heads of state. Anyone who has taken a trip to Disneyland has gone back unable to stop talking about it. Disneyland or Disneyland Park is located in Anaheim, California. It features rides, themed mini compounds, and attractions against a fantasy backdrop of magical experience for the entire family. Disneyland's massive 84 acres of park land is currently divided into eight sections, or 'realms'. Disneyland was originally built according to a plan where these eight 'realms' resembled the eight points of a compass. In order to possibly grasp the scope of the experience which you are in for as soon as you enter the main gate, you will be walked through the park virtually at the entrance of what is known as Main Street. The America of the early 20th century will greet you the moment that you walk into Main Street. This…

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